The Influence of Modern Decadent Culture

The Influence of Modern Decadent Culture

It all started rather innocently. Or so it would have seemed to those involved. Nobody intended to hurt anyone else. It started during the special collection for the needy taken up early in Advent in order to buy needed supplies to distribute just before Christmas This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any…

About the Jump in Safety Violations
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About the Jump in Safety Violations

The Plant Manager (PM) was not a happy man. Occupying the space in front of his desk, and looking quite uncomfortable were his Safety Coordinator (SC), his Operations Manager (OM), and three shift supervisors. “I thought you were going to improve our safety record,” said the Plant Manager, looking at the Safety Coordinator. “Instead, safety…

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The Atheist and the Missionary

“The grandfather’s in there,” said the nurse quietly. “He’s a retired missionary.” “Thanks,” said the pediatric oncologist, but he didn’t hesitate. He stepped into the room. In the bed he saw the girl, not yet in her teens. She didn’t look all that good. He hadn’t expected her to. She had just been referred to…

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It Got Very Quiet up in the Mountains

It got very quiet up in the mountains. He was trying to pray, but it wasn’t easy. He’d climbed for hours into the mountains. He didn’t really believe that climbing a mountain would bring him closer to God. At least not consciously. But he wanted to get through. He had a complaint. God needed to…

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You Give Them Something to Eat

The first pastor was annoyed and impatient during Miriam’s visit. He had a large and active church, and had thought he was making an appointment to talk to a member about some church problem. When she asked for the appointment, Miriam had said, “It’s about a problem and what the church can do about it.”…