Isaiah 58 – A Slightly Poetic Paraphrase
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Isaiah 58 – A Slightly Poetic Paraphrase

Let your voice be heard!Don’t hold back!Announce it with fanfare.Tell my people they’ve left,Veered right off the path. Even so, they keep looking for me,as though they really like my way.They act like they’ve been righteous,Coloring inside my established lines.They want me to judge righteously,as though they really want to obey. “We’ve fasted. Why don’t…

About the Jump in Safety Violations
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About the Jump in Safety Violations

The Plant Manager (PM) was not a happy man. Occupying the space in front of his desk, and looking quite uncomfortable were his Safety Coordinator (SC), his Operations Manager (OM), and three shift supervisors. “I thought you were going to improve our safety record,” said the Plant Manager, looking at the Safety Coordinator. “Instead, safety…

Thankful in All Things

Thankful in All Things

In everything, give thanks. At every time, even when it’s time to do something unpleasant, In every place, even where you don’t want to go, In every way, even sometimes in ways you find strange, For every one, even the people you really don’t like, For every privilege, even those you’d rather not acknowledge, For…

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Why? Why? … says Jacob. … asks Israel. My Lord doesn’t even notice As justice slinks away. Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? Eternal God, Creator of the Universe Doesn’t tire Doesn’t wear out. Just try to find something God doesn’t understand! Giving strength to the weary Great power to the powerless Even the young…

Like David (A Meditation on Psalm 51)
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Like David (A Meditation on Psalm 51)

Like David, I can   Approach God Because God is Giving Loving Forgiving Fully cleansing.   Confess Because I am a Sinner Displeaser Prisoner Veteran wrongdoer.   Rejoice Because God Teaches Enlightens Washes Songs restores.   Be restored Because God is Creator Restorer Granter Willing deliverer.   Proclaim Because I’m Singing Praising Sacrificing Witness giving….

Neither – Nor
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Neither – Nor

There is, says Paul … Neither Jew nor Greek yet they have different histories different ways of life different languages different cultures Neither slave nor free yet they still have different backgrounds different economic status different concerns different ways of living. Neither male nor female yet we have different physiologies different psychologies different interests different…