It Must be Going Around . . .
Ken links to another story on hell in the comments. It’s eerily like mine, though somewhat different in style. Check it out.
Ken links to another story on hell in the comments. It’s eerily like mine, though somewhat different in style. Check it out.
I think The Questing Parson hit a home run with his story The Occasional Isolation of Ministry. It reminded me in a tangential way of my previous story, I Have no Gifts.
… at Dr. Platypus.
I always like finding fiction on the internet where I don’t expect it. Check out this short-short, Armageddon Hour. (From the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
… at The Evangelical Ecologist.
The poem Sleeping Cat.
I have to spend too much of December writing things that definitely aren’t eligible, but if you’re a writer, or aspire to be one, I recommend getting involved in something like the December Writing Marathon.