Kris Longknife Series Added
I have added Mike Shepherd’s Kris Longknife Series to the Book Store. That means books are now tagged to series and author.
I have added Mike Shepherd’s Kris Longknife Series to the Book Store. That means books are now tagged to series and author.
It’s on. Information here. Blogger Jason Evans offers cash prizes and everything!
No, they don’t walk into a bar. But what happens is pretty funny anyhow.
A post at sunestauromai states in prose part of the message I had in mind when I wrote my short story, The Organ and the Tramp, and of course states it more directly.
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading!
… at The Ignorant Historian.
I’m going to be trying bloglines, to see if it will help me get more of the material I flag for posting actually posted!