Added to my Blogroll: Fresh Fiction
It’s all dressed up for women, but I already see something this guy can sink his teeth into. I’m adding Fresh Fiction to my Bloglines subscriptions, and I’ll be linking to a post tomorrow.
It’s all dressed up for women, but I already see something this guy can sink his teeth into. I’m adding Fresh Fiction to my Bloglines subscriptions, and I’ll be linking to a post tomorrow.
I’m busy with book releases, Megabelt on October 30 and then Christian Archy on November 2. I’ll have some more posts here in a couple of days. But in the meantime, enjoy-and be challenged by-this short-short story from The Question Parson.
But’s it’s well within Women’s History Month! I’m calling two of my past short stories to the front, and making them sticky for the rest of the month. The first is directly about International Women’s Day (A Day for Men to Talk about the Women in their Lives) and the other is Our Pastor Is…
I’m always interested in writing blogs and material that can be found free on the web. I found the Crimson Dark web comic today and read a couple of chapters. I don’t think I’ll get addicted, but if you like that style, I think you’ll find much to enjoy there. I also found Whatever (John…
I located this site because it was added to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. The writer uses stories in a very inspirational way. I intend to keep track of it, so even though I display the Moderate Christian Blogroll, I’m going to add it to my standard blogroll of writing blogs. I’d particularly commend the post…
I’ve been asked by a number of people how to become a better writer. Despite my current publications, I still find myself more in need of advice than I am prepared to offer it, but I do try to help. I don’t know where I first heard it, but what I usually pass on, and…
I located this post through preparations for the Christian Carnival #179. Due to the time frame requirements on posts I couldn’t include it in the carnival, but I wanted to call attention to it in any case, as it’s a good post from an interesting blog. From Savvy Writer: Top Three Writing Lessons from the…