Christian Carnival CCCXXVII Posted
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… at Thinking in Christ.
Where better to hold a carnival than a caravansary? Well, actually there are probably plenty of better places, but a caravan town has to be somewhere on the list! As usual, Jeremy Pierce has posted a masterfully complete guide to the carnival. Go read and then send me your best posts for the week. The…
“OK, Grandpa, why the h … heck are we here again?” The words were polite enough as the 17-year-old addressed his grandfather. The tone wasn’t. “Because you enjoy driving other people around in your car, and I’m paying for your gas.” The grandfather’s words were equally sharp and direct. It was how their relationship worked,…
[Since this is contemporary fiction, and it may not be obvious, all persons and events in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely accidental.] Dr. Philip McDermott was brutally awakened at 4:00 AM by the ringing of his phone. He was not on call for the emergency room that…
At Crossroads. And a fine carnival it is!
Through my company Energion Publications I publish a book by Nick May, titled Megabelt. (He has another book on the way, not with Energion, but I’ll provide news of that later.) Now Nick is a Christian young man, deeply involved in his local church. But he can get just a bit challenging to some people’s…