Book: Drowning World

Alan Dean Foster has always provided me with interesting science fiction that was easy to read. It’s the sort of stuff that I read when I don’t want to get too serious, but at the same time my brain is still functioning. Thus far, he has never disappointed me in that. Sometimes lighter fiction is a bit incoherent, the characters less than logical, and the world less than consistent. Foster manages to write consistent worlds, interesting and coherent characters, and still make it just plain fun to read.

I just re-read Drowning World, and I enjoyed visiting with the characters again, and running my imagination through the world of Fluva that he designed here. You won’t get that much time with the Thranx, and really very little time with humans, but the Sakuntala and Deyzara that populate the world and are the key characters are worth spending some time with.

The story is set in the Humanx Commonwealth, though we are not given precise times, and we get to see how the commonwealth deals with primitive worlds and undeveloped species.

Grab a copy from your bookstore or library and enjoy!

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