Seeing God’s Shape

I saw God’s shape in tall oak tree in lovely flower in rising sun flowing stream mountain high ocean wide when lightning glows and lightens dark night sky. I saw God’s shape in falling branch in faded bloom in setting sun raging flood volcanic blast hurricane when lightning strikes and splits and burns and kills….


A scrap of road Flung upon a prairie Ending Starting. After-man stops And looks, wondering Where from? Where to? Someone made it Wanted it to last Why? How? Someone used it Followed it to finish Something Somehow. Somewhere needed it Gave it purpose, ending Gone. Lost.  

The Maze

An intelligence Caught in a maze Of action Reaction Interaction Senseless negligence. The intelligence Thinks in the maze Of action Connection Direction Hope for deliverance. That intelligence Finds in the maze Affection Guidance Radiance Faith with a difference. This intelligence Mangles the maze With action Connection Direction Help from a confidence. The confidence Gets from…