Book: The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell

Somehow because I use a bunch of long words and write on weird theological topics, people sometimes expect me to like only “serious” books on “serious” topics. Nothing could be further from the truth. I like fun and humor. I’m reading nearly constantly, and I like books that I can pick up when I’m really tired of thinking books and just want to relax with a story.

Lillian Jackson Braun and her Cat Who series is a perfect fit for such times. I noticed recently that I’d never written anything on this blog about her books, and that’s a truly sad thing. I just completed The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell (Cat Who…) and I enjoyed it as I have so many previous books in this series. The humor is delightful. Cats are always fun. Koko rules!

I just love a fast moving, friendly tale in which I don’t have to wade through incredible evil, or pick through really obscure lists of suspects, or spend my time longing for a character to like. This book is filled with sympathetic characters. There are a few bad guys, and generally they “get theirs.” All’s well that ends well, and this whole series of books manages to do that every time.

Braun doesn’t present us with talking cats (though I don’t mind that sort of thing). She always leaves one wondering just how much KoKo has actually done. But the cat lovers will all be aware that Koko is a true genius, and truly the world 400 miles north of everything would be in much worse shape without his wisdom.

So grab one of these volumes at the bookstore or library and relax a bit. It won’t hurt you!

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