The Tenth Muse continues Musing
… at Dr. Platypus.
… at Dr. Platypus.
I always like finding fiction on the internet where I don’t expect it. Check out this short-short, Armageddon Hour. (From the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
In an interesting combination of technology and entertainment, comic publishers may soon be delivering their product to cell phones, according to this MSNBC story.
Ken links to another story on hell in the comments. It’s eerily like mine, though somewhat different in style. Check it out.
Since I blogged about this Psalm before, and rewrote it into an Italian Sonnet (largely for my own edification, though I couldn’t resist sharing), I thought I’d call attention to my previous post now that it’s the lectionary Psalm for this coming Sunday.
I’m going to be trying bloglines, to see if it will help me get more of the material I flag for posting actually posted!
… at Codex. I encourage Christian bloggers to get involved by submitting their best work each week and volunteering to host.