Christian Carnival CCLXXXIX Posted
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading!
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading!
… at The Chic of Domesticity.
The storyteller, as usual, seemed to start in the middle of the tale … When Perd fell on his face in front of the governor, he had little hope. It was his second time to appear in this position, and what hope did he have of getting clemency? He had promised to reform, to learn…
. . . at Bounded Irrationality. Check it out.
… at Keyboard Theologians.
He wasn’t really very angry. He’d call it just a bit past annoyed. The conversation with his wife had gone the wrong direction, and he was angry enough to be tense. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of any persons, places, or events to anything in real life is purely coincidental. Copyright ©…
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.