Clarity of Night Short Fiction Contest
It’s on. Information here. Blogger Jason Evans offers cash prizes and everything!
… at Parableman. Thanks for a great carnival, Jeremy!
have been learning to use my Palm Centro more from the road, or for times like right now when I have things shut down due to severe thunderstorms. So I installed Postie, which massively improves post by mail. I haven’t found posting directly impossible but this is more convenient. Watch for more short posts from…
I’m going to be trying bloglines, to see if it will help me get more of the material I flag for posting actually posted!
… at Crossroads. A spam filter caught 11 submissions and Diane has graciously done an update.
I always like finding fiction on the internet where I don’t expect it. Check out this short-short, Armageddon Hour. (From the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
J. D. Robb continues the saga of Eve Dallas and Roark with this delightful action story with some mystery. I found myself guessing ahead correctly a bit too often, but the story moves well in any case. Eve finds herself handling two complex cases simultaneously. With the department insinuating that she might not be trustworthy…