Christian Carnival CCCXXXI Posted
… at Fish and Cans. Check it out. There’s lots of good stuff. Next week, the carnival will be hosted right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. Yes, I really am back to blogging again!
… at Fish and Cans. Check it out. There’s lots of good stuff. Next week, the carnival will be hosted right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. Yes, I really am back to blogging again!
The November 9, 2011 Christian Carnival has been posted at Ichthus77. Check out this variety of posts from the Christian blogosphere. Next week’s carnival will appear here at the Jevlir Caravansary on November 16. Keep your eyes open and submit your posts.
At Learning {one day at a time}. Check it out for links from around the Christian blogosphere over the last month.
… at Bible Archive. Check it out!
I participate each week in the Christian Blog Carnival, but I generally submit just one post from the Participatory Bible Study Blog. Nonetheless I like to link from all my blogs to the carnival post. I’ve been forgetting to post it here, however. So here goes . . . Rev-Ed has recovered from election day…
I’m not a reader of the Harry Potter series, but I really like this note from Laura of Pursuing Holiness. (I worked together with Laura in forming the Philophronos Blogroll which can be seen on my threads blog. This is my “fun” blog.) To a large extent I think the difference in people’s reactions to…
“Hello Carl. I’m Victor, Pastor Victor.” “Thanks for coming to see me, Pastor.” Victor sized up the man across the table from him. He could see the young man’s eyes flicker around the room, noting the watching prison guards and the other signs that said, “This is a jail.” It was a county jail, but…