December 14, 2011 Blog Carnival Posted
… at Beyond Belief. Enjoy!
… at Beyond Belief. Enjoy!
The next Christian Carnival will be hosted at Brain Cramps for God. Submissions are due by midnight eastern time (US) today. Next week (August 5) the carnival will be hosted here.
A post at sunestauromai states in prose part of the message I had in mind when I wrote my short story, The Organ and the Tramp, and of course states it more directly.
Christian Carnival CCCXL will be hosted here at The Jevlir Caravansary. Please submit your posts using the form at by midnight tonight. There is still plenty of room in the carnival. My previous experience has been that I have to reject posts either because they do not fall within the last week before the carnival…
For once I’m going to contribute a non-fiction piece to the one word at a time blog carnival. Why would I do such an astonishing thing? Well, when I saw the word, the first thing I remember was the apple ban. So what, you ask, is an apple ban? Who could possibly ban apples? Are…
At Learning {one day at a time}. Check it out for links from around the Christian blogosphere over the last month.
… at You Can’t Mean That!