Book: For Those Who Fell

I like military science fiction, and so it was natural to pick up this book, my first by author William C. Dietz. Let me get a couple of things I didn’t really like out of the way first. This is more in the line of an extended history with several story lines followed at the same time. That’s normally OK with me, but it seemed a bit scattered and the various story lines didn’t always mesh all that easily. I also get jarred every time I read an incomplete sentence. Like this one. And Dietz does that quite a bit.

That said, I’m taking my copy back to the library today and I plan to look up another book or so by the same author. I like the military side. Dietz does a great deal less personality and politics than David Weber, for example, and what there is, is not well developed, but you also don’t get as distracted from the military story. I would note, however, that Weber gets the balance at about my favorite point. Those who have complained about excessive or unrealistic politics in Weber’s books should like this one.

I suspect that in as far a future point as is represented by this story the military technology would be more dominant in warfare, with less human individuals involved, but I appreciate some better integration of technology, such as cyborgs.

Dietz doesn’t move to the top of my list, but he will be on it from now on.

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