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The God-Talk Club and the Gay Guitarist – II

(This is part 2 of a 2 part story. Read part 1.] “I disagree with that. Rather, I allow my LGBTQ members full participation without making a scene about it. They know, I know, and my church council knows what’s going on. I don’t perform same-sex weddings because it’s contrary to the rules of the…

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The God-Talk Club and the Gay Guitarist – I

Jerry Simonson lowered himself gingerly into the overstuffed chair. He was wondering whether it was safe or sanitary. He shouldn’t have. The decor of The Roadside Cafe may have looked like a cross between accidental and tornado aftermath, but it was a decor that was carefully maintained. It was more likely that the owner had…

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The God-Talk Club: Naturalism and Miracles

“Hey guys, I have this quote from Albert Mohler about evolution,” said Bob. “So let’s hear it,” said Mac. Bob quoted: As I have stated repeatedly, I accept without hesitation the fact that the world indeed looks old. Armed with naturalistic assumptions, I would almost assuredly come to the same conclusions as BioLogos and the…

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The God-Talk Club – New Year’s Resolutions

“So what’s your New Year’s resolution,” asked Ellen, looking at Mac. “I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. Come to think of it, I don’t do resolutions at all. I figure I am who I am.” “Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay,” intoned Jerry. “Trying to make me into a Christian, Jerry?” asked…

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The God-Talk Club and Merry Christmas

*Jerry joined the group last, looked straight at Bob and said “Merry Christmas!” Not only did he say it, but he said it cheerfully and with attitude. “I see you enjoy annoying me,” muttered Bob. “I thought you’d be offended,” said Jerry. “Isn’t that the normal atheist response to a simple greeting?” “It doesn’t bother…

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The God-Talk Club and the NIV2011

After Ellen had brought everyone their orders, she joined the God-Talk Club group herself. “Wow,” said Mark.  “We have a full house.” “I just got off work,” said Ellen a bit defensively. “You don’t have to justify yourself,” said Justine.  “I like it when you can join us.” “My boss is a little bit touchy…

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The God-Talk Club and the She-Bears

[This is a work of fiction, from my God-Talk Club series. – added 11:42 central time] Small talk was dying down and everyone had their drinks.  Mark had a question: “I’ve been given an assignment,”1 he said to the group, and I’d like your thoughts. “What is it?” asked Mandy. “We’re supposed to write a…