
Book: Deluge

This is the third volume of the Twins of Petaybee series. To let you know how I felt about the book, let me quote what I said about Maelstrom, the second in the series: It is lighter than the Dragonrider series, and I don’t find the cultural background anywhere near as interesting, but the characters…


Book: Paradise

I’ve been reading a lot of Mike Resnick’s work lately, especially after encountering his short story Kirinyaga, and then the book built from a number of short stories set in that world. He’s always an exceptional storyteller. With that, I picked up Paradise, currently it appears only available used. I got my copy from my…


Book: Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut Off the Sun

This is a lovely collection of 28 short stories by Mike Resnick. I blogged previously about getting the inspiration for a devotional from one of them, but I’ve now finished the whole collection. It’s available in a Kindle edition, hard cover, and paperback. My favorites were <em>Kirinyaga</em>, <em>For I Have Touched the Sky</em>, and <em>Watching…

Book: Alpha

This book was a pleasant surprise. I’m normally annoyed by the huge possibilities that are ignored in stories about future AI or machine sentience. It seems to me to be the area in which near future science fiction does the worst job of projection. In this case, however, [tag]Catherine Asaro[/tag] does a wonderful job of…