
Caravan Stop

[Note: This story gives some idea of the imaginary Jevlir Caravansary, after which this blog was named.] The Jevlir Caravansary is just across the river from the small, but well-fortified town of Jevlir. Immediately to the west, the great east-west caravan route enters the pass of the mountains, variously known as the East Enzar range,…


Book: Eragon

Well, eventually the day comes when I get around to reading even really popular literature and so it arrived for this book. A friend loaned it to me and it took some time for it to rise to the top of my reading list. I’m a bit slow to grab things that have a immediate,…


Yes Mama

[This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the places, people, or conflicts in this story are coincidental.] Elena and the village girls were in the woods outside the village gathering berries when they heard the sound of gunfire coming from the direction of their village. Gunfire was not unusual in their young lives….


Book: I, Richard

At the library I noticed books by Elizabeth George for the first time. It’s not entirely surprising that I haven’t seen her material before, since I tend to work rather unadventuresomely from material I’m familiar with. I picked up a novel, which I am currently reading, and a collection of short stories, I, Richard. The…