
Two Books from Familiar Authors

It’s been my goal to post on this blog 2-3 times per week, with either something original or a translation included weekly. Obviously, I have failed to meet that target by quite a margin. I don’t want to post an entry for every book by authors about whom I’ve blogged before, however, so here I will just mention two that I’ve read recently.

The first is yet another J. D. Robb book, Portrait in Death, which didn’t change my option of J. D. Robb as a fiction writer. I still enjoy her work for light reading, and after long days in front of the typewriter, I’m looking for something that’s fun, flows well, and yet interesting enough. Robb’s Eve Dallas books fill that niche just fine for me. In this case, the story is about a person who combines art and murder in a somewhat unusual way. It’s good reading.

The second is an older book by J. A. Jance, Name Withheld, a J. P. Beaumont mystery. Jance is one of my favorites in the mystery area, though I generally read her books in the same mental state as I pick up Robb’s. In other words, I don’t want to be seriously intellectually challenged, but I want a fun mystery with good characters, and a solution that isn’t too obvious. They both work out well on that count.

I’m continuing my reading with an author who is new to me, Elizabeth George. I will write about one of her books in a separate entry, and I’m also reading a novel that I’ll write about later.

Note also that the little Amazon link to the right now cycles through about ten books that are either on my immediate future list (it’s on my shelf ready) and my most recent reading.

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