Christian Carnival CCIV Posted
. . . at Parableman.
. . . at Parableman.
After many complaints about how the Blog Carnival submission form works, Christian Carnival has a new home. You can got there to find a submission form and a list of future hosts, where you will note that this very blog is the host for March 14. If you are a Christian blogger and you aren’t…
… at Crossroads. Enjoy!
… at Thinking Christian.
The next Christian Carnival will be hosted at Brain Cramps for God. Submissions are due by midnight eastern time (US) today. Next week (August 5) the carnival will be hosted here.
. . . at Bounded Irrationality. Check it out.
Check it out! Next week’s carnival will be right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. To check the hosting schedule or for more information, check the carnival Facebook page.