It Must be Going Around . . .
Ken links to another story on hell in the comments. It’s eerily like mine, though somewhat different in style. Check it out.
Ken links to another story on hell in the comments. It’s eerily like mine, though somewhat different in style. Check it out.
… at Fish and Cans. At least I think it’s 311.
As I was very belatedly catching up with the Moderate Christian Blogroll, I added The Christian Fantasy Review. It looks so interesting I had to add it specifically to my blogroll here. Be sure to go check it out.
Jason at Clarity of Night has a very well-written serial going right now. He writes in very small portions, and has that rarest of gifts, the ability to evoke complex imagery with very few words. You can start following the story here with part 1, but the latest is part 6, or follow the link…
Since I just wrote about patriotism on my Threads blog, I thought I’d call attention to a story I wrote some time ago intended to raise questions about moral decision making. The story is Civilian Targets. Consider that the key character is not Jerrell, whose actions are followed in the primary story line, but rather…
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.
The poem Sleeping Cat.