Christian Carnival #CCXVII Posted
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.
A post at sunestauromai states in prose part of the message I had in mind when I wrote my short story, The Organ and the Tramp, and of course states it more directly.
… at The Ignorant Historian.
It’s probably either illegal or too shocking for this blog, but how about a true story? Caraleisa has a new blog, and presents a touching true story, A soldier, a little girl, and a tragedy….
… at Dr. Platypus.
I located this site because it was added to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. The writer uses stories in a very inspirational way. I intend to keep track of it, so even though I display the Moderate Christian Blogroll, I’m going to add it to my standard blogroll of writing blogs. I’d particularly commend the post…
I’m busy with book releases, Megabelt on October 30 and then Christian Archy on November 2. I’ll have some more posts here in a couple of days. But in the meantime, enjoy-and be challenged by-this short-short story from The Question Parson.