Christian Carnival #CCXVII Posted
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.
. . . at Diary of 1. My contribution this time is from my Threads blog on being a true believer.
It’s all dressed up for women, but I already see something this guy can sink his teeth into. I’m adding Fresh Fiction to my Bloglines subscriptions, and I’ll be linking to a post tomorrow.
An excellent and challenging short story on The Questing Parson.
Jason at Clarity of Night has a very well-written serial going right now. He writes in very small portions, and has that rarest of gifts, the ability to evoke complex imagery with very few words. You can start following the story here with part 1, but the latest is part 6, or follow the link…
In an interesting combination of technology and entertainment, comic publishers may soon be delivering their product to cell phones, according to this MSNBC story.
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading!
I think The Questing Parson hit a home run with his story The Occasional Isolation of Ministry. It reminded me in a tangential way of my previous story, I Have no Gifts.