Christian Carnival #301 Posted
… at Fish and Cans. Lots of interesting stuff.
… at Fish and Cans. Lots of interesting stuff.
[This is a work of fiction, and is part of my God-Talk club series. For more information follow the link. Also, I promised in my last God-Talk Club story that the club would discuss prophecy some more. This isn’t that post. I’ll get to it–soon, I hope. In another departure, this post was inspired by…
After many complaints about how the Blog Carnival submission form works, Christian Carnival has a new home. You can got there to find a submission form and a list of future hosts, where you will note that this very blog is the host for March 14. If you are a Christian blogger and you aren’t…
By strength you founded mountains high and grand. You still the roaring seas and streams abate. From dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn your hand Brings forth rejoicing, glory crowns your gate. Your awesome deeds, your valiant acts so great. Sustain our life, and give your servants care. A pathway to your temple you…
… at who am i? (Sorry I’m late with the link!)
After Ellen had brought everyone their orders, she joined the God-Talk Club group herself. “Wow,” said Mark. “We have a full house.” “I just got off work,” said Ellen a bit defensively. “You don’t have to justify yourself,” said Justine. “I like it when you can join us.” “My boss is a little bit touchy…
“Our church is shrinking,” said the head elder, “and it’s your fault.” Zeb didn’t respond immediately. He’d been summoned to the church board meeting, though when he’d used the word “summoned” the head elder had objected. “We just want to talk to you,” he had said. But it felt like a summons, and this felt…