Christian Carnival this Evening
I’ll get the Christian Carnival posted this evening. It might be late afternoon, but I have a couple of meetings that will prevent posting it earlier. Thanks for your patience!
I’ll get the Christian Carnival posted this evening. It might be late afternoon, but I have a couple of meetings that will prevent posting it earlier. Thanks for your patience!
Seeing the word “dab” for the One Day at a Time blog carnival brought back memories of my mother’s cooking. Yes, this is another non-fiction entry. I just can’t resist. My mother is a pretty good cook, at least if you like food for the health-conscious. If you’re into extremely sweet or very low fiber,…
“Your youth group is a miserable shadow of the one we had when Fred Martenson was our youth pastor!” The words rang in David’s ears as he stood on the sidewalk outside the church’s administrative building. His next move was to walk to his car, get in, and go home. That seemed like a good…
“The grandfather’s in there,” said the nurse quietly. “He’s a retired missionary.” “Thanks,” said the pediatric oncologist, but he didn’t hesitate. He stepped into the room. In the bed he saw the girl, not yet in her teens. She didn’t look all that good. He hadn’t expected her to. She had just been referred to…
We believe God is omnipotent,but not that God is adequate. We believe God is omniscient,but not that God understands us. We believe God is omnipresent,but not with us in our time of need. We believe God is all gracious,but not that it applies to us. We believe that God is everything,but not anything particular. So…
… at Parableman. Thanks for a great carnival, Jeremy!
Introductory Ramblings AKA pursuing rabbits through the brambles … As I write and edit this post, it appears that GoDaddy serviced web sites are down, and a member of Anonymous is claiming credit for causing the problem. There were a couple of posts I couldn’t access, and I believe that was due to this problem….