
Christian Carnival CCCLXI Posted

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ...
Image via Wikipedia

… at Keyboard Theologians. There’s quite a crop of posts to look at.

Next week’s carnival, CCCLXII, will be right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. I’m going to borrow some announcement text and instructions from Parableman:

The Christian Carnival is a weekly collection of some of the best posts of the Christian blogosphere. It’s open to Christians of Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic convictions. One of the goals of this carnival is to offer our readers to a broad range of Christian thought. This is a great way to make your writing more well known and perhaps pick up some regular readers. For examples of past carnivals, see the Christian Carnival archive.

To enter is simple. First, your post should be of a Christian nature, but this does not exclude posts that are about home life, politics, or current events from a Christian point of view. Select only one post dated since the last Christian Carnival (i.e. from the last Wednesday through the coming Tuesday). Then do the following:
You can use the Blog Carnival submission form, or you can send your submission to christiancarnivalsubmissions shift-2 gmail dotte com. 

Please submit only one post (per blog, per author) dated since the last Christian Carnival deadline, i.e. something posted since midnight EST Tuesday night, October 12 (5am GMT Wednesday, October 13) [If you are emailing your submission: if you are able to do so, please submit your information in Times New Roman 12pt font, preferably in plain text. The uniformity will save time for the host.]
1. The name of your blog and a link to your main site. (Adding the name with a hyperlink would be a nice courtesy to the host.)
2. The title of your post and the URL of the post. (Again, adding the title with a hyperlink would be helpful.)
3. If you want a trackback, include a trackback link. (Tracking back is optional. Some hosts may oblige you; others may not have the time or ability.)
4. Include a short (one- or two-sentence) description of the post. Your description may be edited by the host, but many hosts often use just what you give them. (So don’t say anything you wouldn’t want published.)
The deadline for submissions is midnight EST Tuesday night, October 5 (4am GMT Wednesday, October 6). Be aware that hosts have the option of limiting the Christian Carnival to the first 40 (or 50) acceptable entries. (Most hosts do not do this, and most weeks do not have that many posts, but this is a good reason to enter early just in case. Hosts that limit the number of entries may not simply select their favorites but may just cut it off at a certain number, so you can’t rely on your post being good.)
You can see the more extended instructions on post submissions here, and you can join the weekly reminder list for the Christian Carnival here. (Note: there was a previous announcement list for the Christian Carnival. That list is no longer usable. This one came into existence around the beginning of May 2007. If you have not joined such a list since then, you are not on the current announcement list.)
Disclaimer: As the goal of this Carnival is to highlight Christian thought in the blogosphere, entries will be limited to blogs that share that goal. Posts strictly focused on matters unrelated to Christianity or from blogs with potentially offensive material that Christians may not want to link to may end up being rejected, but there are other carnivals that would be a more appropriate for such posts. Though this will be a judgment call on the part of the week’s host or the carnival’s organizers, and being human they may make mistakes, this is necessary given that the Christian Carnival is sometimes quite large, and it is sometimes questionable whether the entrants are seeking to promote Christian thought.
Get your submissions in soon!
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