Christian Carnival Tonight
I’ll get it posted this evening … watch here for news!
I’ll get it posted this evening … watch here for news!
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading!
Karl’s Story Karl was pleased that his daughter Ellen spent so much time out in the woods. That way he wouldn’t have to be embarrassed by the silly things she did. He knew he should watch her more carefully, but he had never been able to bring himself to actually do it. If he tried…
As the committee meeting started to wind up, the chairman, Randall Cummings, a true elder in the church, turned to the young visitor and said, “Well, you haven’t commented very much. I take it you think these are good ideas or you would have told us.” Virgil Moore had just turned 21, and was visiting…
Everybody knew that in a small village in the mountains there lived a very rich man. Just why he chose to live in a small village in the mountains nobody knew. Precisely which village was his home, nobody knew either. They just knew that somewhere in those mountains there lived a very rich man. Years…
… is posted. I plead server problems and issues with the Moderate Christian Blogroll that prevented me from posting a link until now!
“Hey guys, I have this quote from Albert Mohler about evolution,” said Bob. “So let’s hear it,” said Mac. Bob quoted: As I have stated repeatedly, I accept without hesitation the fact that the world indeed looks old. Armed with naturalistic assumptions, I would almost assuredly come to the same conclusions as BioLogos and the…