Give the Creator the Credit Due – A Poetic Response to Psalm 148
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Give the Creator the Credit Due – A Poetic Response to Psalm 148

Give the Creator the credit that’s due. Shine forth Distant galaxies Glowing nebulas Giant stars Blackest holes. Go out Angels bright Seraphim flashing Winds blowing Flames burning. Since God is the maker, the builder, designer, Our lifegiver, ruler, sustainer, refiner. Learn of him Scientist Physicist Astronomer Chemist Tell of him Historian Sociologist Theologian Philosopher Give the creator the…


Ephesians 2 Haiku

One of the features of my Sunday School class is that we try to respond to the lesson of the day in the form of art, poetry, and stories. So what does one do with Ephesians 2 in terms of art? I like to experiment, so I read up on Haiku (English forms) and decided…