
A scrap of road Flung upon a prairie Ending Starting. After-man stops And looks, wondering Where from? Where to? Someone made it Wanted it to last Why? How? Someone used it Followed it to finish Something Somehow. Somewhere needed it Gave it purpose, ending Gone. Lost.  

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The God-Talk Club: Naturalism and Miracles

“Hey guys, I have this quote from Albert Mohler about evolution,” said Bob. “So let’s hear it,” said Mac. Bob quoted: As I have stated repeatedly, I accept without hesitation the fact that the world indeed looks old. Armed with naturalistic assumptions, I would almost assuredly come to the same conclusions as BioLogos and the…

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The God-Talk Club – New Year’s Resolutions

“So what’s your New Year’s resolution,” asked Ellen, looking at Mac. “I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. Come to think of it, I don’t do resolutions at all. I figure I am who I am.” “Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay,” intoned Jerry. “Trying to make me into a Christian, Jerry?” asked…

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The Missionary’s House

*“You know what I think is wrong here?” The question startled Ward. He was sitting on the porch of his house looking out at a beautiful view from the top of a hill. He and his visitor both had glasses of iced tea. They had just finished a wonderful meal. He had enjoyed showing his…