
Christian Carnival CCCXVII

Welcome to the March 3, 2010 edition of the Christian Carnival, CCCXVII (317 for the Roman numeral challenged).  I would like to remind everyone that the Christian Carnival is weekly, and that posts must be dated within the previous week.  Where a new participant submitted an older post I have checked, and if possible I have linked to a more recent post from the same blog.  Most posts that were not included were outside the date range.

I have also added a few editorial comments.  I hope nobody minds.

Bible Study

Chris Wiles wrote about Bono and the Psalms, noting that “[t]he Psalms were written as the soundtrack to the spiritual life of Israel.

Ridge Burns presents Psalm 95.  As he read the Psalm, he says, “I felt myself being overwhelmed with the notion that I am a child of God and that the Creator of the world somehow, some way invested His life in me.”  It is truly an amazing concept, isn’t it.

Bob MacDonald presents Psalm 27 – A Reflection at Bob’s Log with an in-depth look at patterns in the Psalm along with some details of the language.  If you haven’t discovered Bob MacDonald’s work on the Psalms you’re really missing something.

bethyada at True Paradigm presents Scope and intent in biblical interpretation in which he discusses how one might understand what is said in a scripture and still be in error about where, when, or to whom it might apply.  This is a worthwhile discussion to follow and discusses a point of interpretation that I think many miss.

Tom Gilson presents The Bible and Christian Thinking posted at Thinking Christian.  Discipleship of the mind starts with the Bible, and Tom is recommending the Bible as our guide to truth.


Steven Demmler presents Musings on “Certainty of Faith II at You Can’t Mean That!  He starts by discussing particularism and why he finds it a helpful approach in epistemology.  He concludes by asking whether a committed Christian can honestly say that if the evidence were to lead that way he would not believe in God.  The phrase “certainty of faith” is pretty important in the discussion.  Head on over and give him your ideas!


At Entangled States I found Saying “no” to “Good Buddy Jesus” by Nick Knisely, in which he suggests we distinguish between having a God who loves us personally and having our own personal god (see comments).

Justin Allison presents Natural Disasters: Is the World Spinning out of Control, and concludes that it has been for years.  I’m sure many people and many times in history would agree!

Calum Henderson presents I’m a Saint Just Like Mary posted at Calum Henderson.  He says that after Mary MacKillop was declared worthy of being called a saint, he thought it would be good to Biblically define what a saint is.  Sounds like a good plan!  Go check out what he learned.

NCSue presents What kind of “justice” is that? posted at IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING.  She finds that the word justice might not mean the same thing in God’s kingdom as it does in our world.  Who do you think ought to change?

Brian Marchionni presents To Err Is Human? or Is It? posted at Boston Bible Geeks.  Is it our sin that makes us eternally distinct from God, or is it something else?

Jeremy Pierce takes a look a look at the dualist theory of personal identity, i.e. what makes us what we are fundamentally over time and across various physical changes is sameness of soul in The Dualist View of Personal Identity posted at Parableman.  Jeremy writes some extremely challenging posts, and this is one of a series of them on theories of knowledge and reality.

Rey Reynoso presents Bird’s Eye View Of Promises posted at The Bible Archive with an overview of the connection between the divine covenants, looking at covenant theology and dispensational views.  Extensively illustrated and very interesting!

Christian Living

Lacie presents An Environmentalist Christian is Not an Oxymoron posted at The EcoChic Apprentice, saying, “I just wrote a post about being both a person that’s interested in green living and being a Christian and why God’s people should consider being more interested in green living.”  She suggests that while there are environmentalists who worship there earth, there are also “green” Christians who believe they are taking good care of God’s world.

Joe Plemon presents When Does Saving Turn To Hoarding? posted at Personal Finance By The Book.  He takes a look at the difference between saving and hoarding and how this might apply in both a spiritual and  temporal matters.

Violet N. presents a devotional that includes seven practical ways you can pass on the Gospel titled Pass it on posted at Other Food: daily devo’s. Short, practical, and to the point!

Barry Wallace presents The Promise No One Claims (Discipleship, Part 3) posted at who am i?.  He says, ““…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12)”  This is another good post both on interpretation and application.  Are you claiming promises that don’t apply to you or perhaps aren’t even promises? It’s a really good idea to know just what you’re claiming.  But more importantly is there a promise you should claim but don’t want to?

Lori Vaughn presents Lent and Dr. Pepper posted at Two Southern Girls.  She’s giving up something for Lent.  What about you?

Dana presents The Pearls, abuse and a false gospel posted at Roscommon Acres.  Michael and Debi Pearl give some very controversial advice about child rearing.  Warning:  Part of this story may be hard to read.

Siobhan McGirr presents Morning Mommy posted at A Christian Mommy.  Every time I read something about the Proverbs 31 woman I’m reminded of my mother turning this on me at my wedding.  “You have to deserve a Proverbs 31 woman,” she said.  In this post the topic is getting up before sunrise.


Michelle presents Mission To Haiti/Disaster Relief/Day Five posted at Thoughts and Confessions of a Girl Who Loves Jesus… Keep following Michelle’s story.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of christian carnival ii using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. Thanks for hosting and including my post. This is my first time submitting to this carnival but won't be my last. I am looking forward to reading the other posts. And I certainly don't mind your "editorial comments".

  2. Hooray! I'm so excited I was included in the blog carnival! I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago and found about about these things. What a great way to find other bloggers with similar interests.Thanks so much for hosting this!

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