Christian Carnival #198
. . . has been posted at The Minor Prophet. My entry this time came from this blog, The God Talk Club – Tornadoes.
. . . has been posted at The Minor Prophet. My entry this time came from this blog, The God Talk Club – Tornadoes.
… at The Point Blog. Next Christian Carnival is right here at The Jevlir Caravansary.
… at Thinking in Christ.
… at Fish and Cans. Though I don’t want to detract from my great appreciation for every Christian Carnival host, I do think Annette did an exceptional job on this one with excerpts or descriptive notes on every post. Quite handy!
Like David, I can Approach God Because God is Giving Loving Forgiving Fully cleansing. Confess Because I am a Sinner Displeaser Prisoner Veteran wrongdoer. Rejoice Because God Teaches Enlightens Washes Songs restores. Be restored Because God is Creator Restorer Granter Willing deliverer. Proclaim Because I’m Singing Praising Sacrificing Witness giving….
(See also A Fresh Perspective – II.) For years merchant trains had passed through the town by the falls on their way to the great north-south trade route to the west. The terrain was terrible, but alternate routes were even worse. One could go two or three days journey southward, past the end of the…
“Hey guys, I have this quote from Albert Mohler about evolution,” said Bob. “So let’s hear it,” said Mac. Bob quoted: As I have stated repeatedly, I accept without hesitation the fact that the world indeed looks old. Armed with naturalistic assumptions, I would almost assuredly come to the same conclusions as BioLogos and the…