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Book: Innocent in Death

OK, it’s another book. I’ll get around to writing another story or something soon. That’s what you were waiting for, right? No? I’m so disappointed!

Anyhow, my wife brought home another J. D. Robb, and I had to read it. It’s pretty good. In this most recent book, Eve gets to feel her dislike of schools as she deals with murders that occur in a school. At the same time she’s dealing with jealousy over Roarke, but is it justified? Everything seems so confusing until she follows an unlikely track and fights her way through to the conclusion. Oh, and is it possible she’s making a truce with Summerset?

This continues the interesting future world, and all the very interesting characters with which Roberts/Robb chooses to populate it. It’s honestly not my usual fair, because I find near future science fiction a bit troubling. Even Star Trek has been made somewhat obsolete by the advancement of actual science, but that’s part of the game. Near future seems to get me comparing the technology then and now more carefully, so even though it should be easier to be accurate, I’m more likely to quibble. Of course, I’m just as likely to be wrong.

In any case, I find the cultural background of this series believable and enjoyable. I’ll continuing borrowing the copies my wife gets from the library on a pretty regular basis.

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