
Jeremy Pierce on Christians and Sci-Fi or Fantasy

Jeremy Pierce has a good piece on Christians who enjoy science fiction and fantasy. I particularly appreciated his clear statement that entertainment itself is a value, that we don’t only read fiction for some educational purpose or other, but that it can simply be relaxation and entertainment. He says: So you don’t need to think…


Caravan Stop

[Note: This story gives some idea of the imaginary Jevlir Caravansary, after which this blog was named.] The Jevlir Caravansary is just across the river from the small, but well-fortified town of Jevlir. Immediately to the west, the great east-west caravan route enters the pass of the mountains, variously known as the East Enzar range,…


Book: Eragon

Well, eventually the day comes when I get around to reading even really popular literature and so it arrived for this book. A friend loaned it to me and it took some time for it to rise to the top of my reading list. I’m a bit slow to grab things that have a immediate,…


Book: Beyond the Gap

I actually thought I was reading a book by an author I’d never read before, and I still can’t remember what book I read by Harry Turtledove before, but I have a feeling that I have. Beyond the Gap is what I call good fantasy writing. It’s not action packed from start to finish. It…