Thankful in All Things

Thankful in All Things

In everything, give thanks. At every time, even when it’s time to do something unpleasant, In every place, even where you don’t want to go, In every way, even sometimes in ways you find strange, For every one, even the people you really don’t like, For every privilege, even those you’d rather not acknowledge, For…

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Why? Why? … says Jacob. … asks Israel. My Lord doesn’t even notice As justice slinks away. Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? Eternal God, Creator of the Universe Doesn’t tire Doesn’t wear out. Just try to find something God doesn’t understand! Giving strength to the weary Great power to the powerless Even the young…

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You Give Them Something to Eat

The first pastor was annoyed and impatient during Miriam’s visit. He had a large and active church, and had thought he was making an appointment to talk to a member about some church problem. When she asked for the appointment, Miriam had said, “It’s about a problem and what the church can do about it.”…


Why Justin Quit Reading the Bible

“I’m wondering why Justin has quit attending Bible study regularly,” said the youth pastor, after he’d settled in at the table with a cup of coffee. Wendy Schermer, Justin’s mother was sitting across from him. “Attending Bible study has always been voluntary. I know he hasn’t been attending much recently. He doesn’t seem to be…