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The God-Talk Club – Tornadoes!

[This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters and real people or the places and real places is strictly accidental. What’s more, this is practice fiction, wherein I practice writing dialogue, so any resemblance to real fiction is accidental as well. This is the second of the series. I introduced the God-Talk…


Yes Mama

[This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the places, people, or conflicts in this story are coincidental.] Elena and the village girls were in the woods outside the village gathering berries when they heard the sound of gunfire coming from the direction of their village. Gunfire was not unusual in their young lives….


The Testimony of Sunday Lunch

(Note: All characters, and churches portrayed in this story are, as always, fictional. The attitudes, unfortunately, are not.) Don’t forget hospitality, because by it some have unknowingly entertained angels. — Hebrews 13:2 The sermon was about love and hospitality. Sam was unusually touched by the message, and as he and his wife Joyce exited the…