

It all started with the resolution passed by the town council. No, perhaps not. That might be giving it too much weight. It really started when Tomas got stinking drunk that evening. But since the council resolution comes into it, we’ll just have to start there. It was passed unanimously, and was short and to…


Caravan Stop

[Note: This story gives some idea of the imaginary Jevlir Caravansary, after which this blog was named.] The Jevlir Caravansary is just across the river from the small, but well-fortified town of Jevlir. Immediately to the west, the great east-west caravan route enters the pass of the mountains, variously known as the East Enzar range,…


Book: Eragon

Well, eventually the day comes when I get around to reading even really popular literature and so it arrived for this book. A friend loaned it to me and it took some time for it to rise to the top of my reading list. I’m a bit slow to grab things that have a immediate,…


Book: Beyond the Gap

I actually thought I was reading a book by an author I’d never read before, and I still can’t remember what book I read by Harry Turtledove before, but I have a feeling that I have. Beyond the Gap is what I call good fantasy writing. It’s not action packed from start to finish. It…


Guarding Books

“Books!” muttered Bryan. “I’m hanging from this rope to get books.” Bryan was a professional caravan guard, used to crossing these mountains with expensive cargoes. Generally, he expected substantial bonuses for ensuring the safe passage of his employer’s goods. The bonuses were guaranteed by the sale of the expensive cargo. But times were hard, and…