Christian Carnival CCLXI Posted
… at The Ignorant Historian.
… at The Ignorant Historian.
Give the Creator the credit that’s due. Shine forth Distant galaxies Glowing nebulas Giant stars Blackest holes. Go out Angels bright Seraphim flashing Winds blowing Flames burning. Since God is the maker, the builder, designer, Our lifegiver, ruler, sustainer, refiner. Learn of him Scientist Physicist Astronomer Chemist Tell of him Historian Sociologist Theologian Philosopher Give the creator the…
… is posted. I plead server problems and issues with the Moderate Christian Blogroll that prevented me from posting a link until now!
Where better to hold a carnival than a caravansary? Well, actually there are probably plenty of better places, but a caravan town has to be somewhere on the list! As usual, Jeremy Pierce has posted a masterfully complete guide to the carnival. Go read and then send me your best posts for the week. The…
… at M and M. Check it out!
The 374th Christian Carnival has been posted at Beyond Belief. Thanks for hosting, Rodney! The 375th Christian Carnival will be right here at The Jevlir Caravansary. How can you get involved? Quoth the ending to Rodney’s carnival post: If you’re a Christian and you missed out this week, how about choosing something to contribute for…
I visited Shrewsbury while in England in 1999 because I’m a fan of the Cadfael series. It appears there’s been an explosion downtown there, probably due to a gas leak. More at Christian Today.