Christian Carnival Posted at Keyboard Theologians
Check it out! Next week’s carnival will be right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. To check the hosting schedule or for more information, check the carnival Facebook page.
Check it out! Next week’s carnival will be right here at the Jevlir Caravansary. To check the hosting schedule or for more information, check the carnival Facebook page.
… at Fish and Cans. At least I think it’s 311.
… at The Chic of Domesticity.
The old man sat in his simple room looking at the bag of gold. “Use it however you want,” the rich young fellow had said. “I feel I need to give it to someone, and I have no idea who. I think you may know.” The old man was renowned for his wisdom and his…
“You know why I wanted to talk to you today?” said Jim. His intonation indicated a question, but Emily Wall, Rev. Emily Wall, knew she was expected to know. “Yes, sir,” she said. Jim Evans, district superintendent looked across at the young lady on the other side of his desk. She had no right to…
Where better to hold a carnival than a caravansary? Well, actually there are probably plenty of better places, but a caravan town has to be somewhere on the list! As usual, Jeremy Pierce has posted a masterfully complete guide to the carnival. Go read and then send me your best posts for the week. The…
(This is part 2 of a 2 part story. Read part 1.] “I disagree with that. Rather, I allow my LGBTQ members full participation without making a scene about it. They know, I know, and my church council knows what’s going on. I don’t perform same-sex weddings because it’s contrary to the rules of the…