

By Steve Kindle, guest blogger; Image: “Clear,” she said, as Jake pulled into the heavily traveled intersection, unaided by any traffic signals. The little VW Bug’s right side passenger window was situated such that his wife, Clara, blocked the view. So they came up with this verbal strategy to make up for the loss….

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The Atheist and the Missionary

“The grandfather’s in there,” said the nurse quietly. “He’s a retired missionary.” “Thanks,” said the pediatric oncologist, but he didn’t hesitate. He stepped into the room. In the bed he saw the girl, not yet in her teens. She didn’t look all that good. He hadn’t expected her to. She had just been referred to…

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The God-Talk Club and the Gay Guitarist – II

(This is part 2 of a 2 part story. Read part 1.] “I disagree with that. Rather, I allow my LGBTQ members full participation without making a scene about it. They know, I know, and my church council knows what’s going on. I don’t perform same-sex weddings because it’s contrary to the rules of the…

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The God-Talk Club and the Gay Guitarist – I

Jerry Simonson lowered himself gingerly into the overstuffed chair. He was wondering whether it was safe or sanitary. He shouldn’t have. The decor of The Roadside Cafe may have looked like a cross between accidental and tornado aftermath, but it was a decor that was carefully maintained. It was more likely that the owner had…